Saturday 13 April 2013

April Adventures Across Japan Phase 3: Profit!

Aomori Day 5: Shichinohe & Towada

Time to explore more of my new home... and teach Ashley how to walk to the Shinkansen station because I would be at work when she had to leave. We lucked out and got another nice day and made our way down to the station. Sadly, there were no displays at that time (when I'd been there a week earlier, there had been a plethora of mobiles and some kimonos on display. I think there were for Girls' Day).

However, the art gallery, which I had been meaning to check out ever since I moved out here, was open. There are also quite a few shops in the complex, and a restaurant that sells horse-meat ramen.

Naturally, you can't take photos of the art, but it's a nice display, and worth checking out. Some really nice paintings and cool lamps (unfortunately they didn't sell post cards with our favorite prints on them... I was hoping to get something to put up on my wall, truth-be-told. Oh well.) We seemed destined to dine on ramen that day, as it started to rain pretty heavily as we were about to make our way back to my place...

So we feasted and enjoyed the view of the court yard-y area that the art gallery partly encircles. And it was delightful.

Ramen-fuled and ready to go (plus the rain had stopped), we decided to check out what Towada had to offer on a Friday afternoon. With the nice weather going on, we took a stroll down the street in front of Art Station Towada with all the outdoor sculptures. I (finally) managed to find some banana-shaped jewlery for my eyebrow piercing and we returned to Game Soko ( I just can't stay away!) and bought a bunch of little toys and things that we really don't need. Haha.

It was past due the time that Ashley check out an onsen, so, as we watched a beautiful sunset while we made our way to Tohouku and paid a visit to 黒水温泉 and it's black water... It also has an 'electric' tub, which was just weird to sit in... But a nice, relaxing visit.

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