Tuesday 25 March 2014

Ginger and Beef recipes

Hello all my buddies! For those of you living in Canada and northern Japan, hang in there, this winter thing can't last forever! We'll get through this!!! Here's a simple, delicious and warm entree I came up with, somewhat inspired by what Jade and I created to help Flynn clean out his fridge before his big move.

Ginger beef and shiitake fried rice:
- 200g beef (I have no idea what the cut is, it's just a big chunk o' beef, but follow your heart)
- 2 tbsp soy sauce
- 25g fresh ginger root, diced
- 1 tbsp sesame oil
- 70g white onion, chopped
- 50g fresh shiitake mushrooms, sliced
- 55g cooked short grain white rice (frozen leftover sticky rice from school lunch)
- 55g cooked short grain brown rice (frozen leftovers)

1) Cut the beef into strips and put in a water tight container (or fancy marinating Tupperware if ya roll like that), add in the soy sauce and diced ginger. Allow to marinate in the refrigerator for at least 30 mins, flipping it over every now and then (I think I did it once every 10 mins or so). If rice is frozen, thaw in the fridge at the same time.

2) In a frying pan, warm sesame oil and then add in the chopped onion. On medium heat, add the beef and marinate mixture. I like my beef rare, so I just cooked the beef until it turned that “I've touched some heat, but I'm still nice and pink inside” grey on all sides, then added in the mushrooms and rice. Cook until meat starts to brown (ya don't wanna dry this out!)

Goes really well with steamed broccoli and carrots. Yum yum! Yields  2 servings.

Don't really feel like standing at the stove like a sucker? Worn out from the snowy weather and just want to come home to a hot meal waiting but you live alone? Ol' CC's gotcha covered!
... as long as you have a crock pot...

... and seriously, if you haven't gotten one yet, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR THEY ARE AMAZING!?!?!


Beef & Ginger Soup
- 100g dry soy beans
- 300g potatoes (with skin), chopped
- 250g carrots, chopped
- 75g onion, chopped
- 7g garlic, chopped
- 30g diced ginger
 - 530g beef slices (think bacon slices, so I cut them further, and the end result was shredded-like)
- 100g shiitake mushrooms, sliced
- 50g green bell pepper, chopped
- 2 cubes Ajinomoto Consommé stock
- 10g cornstarch
- 1 cube maggi beef bullion cube
- 1 tsp basil
- 1 tsp chives
- 2 bay leaves
- 175g broccoli, chopped and steamed
Optional: 50g red and yellow bell peppers, chopped

1) Rinse the soy beans before you add them in to your trusty crockpot. Add everything but the broccoli and optional bell peppers, plus enough water to cover everything. Leave to cook on low while you're at work for the day.

2) Steam broccoli and optional bell peppers when serving up the soup, season with some cracked black pepper. Awwwww yeah.

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