Wednesday 5 February 2014

I didn't really share much in that last post... so here's a rambler for ya!

**Originally started January 29th**

Goooooooood morning everyone!

I hope this post finds you well. A thousand pardons for not keeping up with this a little more, but, I suppose that's a good indication that I have been doing things instead of just blogging. Huzzah! I can't believe that it's just about February. Holy smokes! I am looking forward to next month for reasons that I shall post about afterwards... probably in April if I keep this pace up. Bwahahahaha.

If you follow my Instagram feed, then you know that I have been having an absolute BLAST in my kitchen this winter making all sorts of healthy and delicious culinary delights. I think that nothing quite keeps the winter blahs at bay than a nice hot cup of soup.

I set some vegetarian chili to cook in my favorite appliance while I was at work yesterday... I was so excited to dig into it that I neglected to allow for sufficient cooling before diving in. The roof of my mouth still sings with every sip of my green tea, but IT WAS WORTH ITTTT! I'm by no means a fancy chef, I like to keep is simple and work with what's in season/available for cheap at the farmer's market. That being said, I also enjoy using some 'imported' spices that my Auntie sent me last year. I am *still* working through them all (I have a feeling that the next JET to move into my humble abode will inherit a bag or two.)

Today, I'm at one of the two elementary schools that I visit. I don't remember the last time that I was here, to be honest, but it's nice to be back here again. I just finished a class with the first graders. The teacher had no time to give me a heads up on what we were going to do today, however it was simple enough for me to just jump in. I recall almost a sense of dread last year when I had to visit because of the limited amount of Japanese I had and the teachers' limited English. The first graders were as genki as ever and are super excited to have me join them for lunch today. I anticipate that it will be a bit like me being on display, as it often does, but I don't mind it today.

I'm starting to have enough vocabulary to lead a class, or at least better manage one and be able to properly cue the students to get them to do what I want (ie "all together now!" ). I don't feel nearly as useless as I did last year, though there are still times where I wish it was possible for me to be a little more involved in planning. Teachers give me student work to check/correct, and I can help kids translate some things when we are working on assignments in class. I decided that it was ok for me to bring my iPhone to class to use the dictionary app this year instead of running to the teacher.

** added later:
The teacher was kind enough to provide me with a full sized desk to sit at at the front of the class facing the students. They then proceeded to ask me what my favorite food/anime/instrument/fruit/vegetable/animal and how old I was. (I'm the same age as their Mums. Good to know). They were super excited when I told them I like Dragonball Z and Evangelion, and some of them were stoked at my Link impression when they asked me about video games. Haha. I think the *best* part was, the teacher was able to leave the class to help a student and I could keep answering the kids and managing the class. Last year everyone spoke too quickly and asked me questions in ways that I couldn't follow. I am starting to be able to pick out the key words and can give sufficient one word replies. I have a voice again! I still can't say "ごちそうさまでした" ( gochisousamadeshita lit 'it was a feast', said at the end of meals) without tripping on my tongue or remember how to say the name of the office that I work it (it's a whooooooole lotta kanji and everyone says it super-duper fast) BUT I CAN ANSWER MY KIDS QUESTIONS!**

**added February 5th, when I finally finished this dang post. :P
It's been a busy week and I've not had any office days. Anyhoo, I've another amusing anecdote to share from my visit to Shichi-chuu yesterday. I work with the 3年生 classes (9th graders) of which there are 3. One class in particular is, well, the party class. The kids are loud, cheerful and would much rather talk about anything than school work. While I wish they would focus a little more, some of them are making more of an effort to speak English with me, if only to get out of doing work.

These are the students whom, if they work this hard in all their classes, are not exactly the most studious. If talking to me about video games or sports has them practicing English in English class, I WILL TAKE IT.

The last week or so, we've been working on short English compositions, answering a series of questions with 15-20 word responses. I brought my iPhone to these classes so I could help a little more. Now, I'm not sure if the fact that I know how to use an iPhone is the cause, but I seem to be much more approachable these days. This may have also prompted them to realize that I know how to use technology and would most likely have an email address. There are two boys who have seemingly made it their goal this year to figure out how to say and then receive my email address. They shan't ever get it from me while they're my students... But they ask, repeatedly for it. I have to say, I don't quite understand why they would want it, as they know damn well I don't understand much Japanese at all. I really doubt that it's a suddenly overwhelming desire to practice English outside of school.

Nonetheless, they keep trying.

I had lunch with the party class, and noticed that one of the boys seemed to be working up the courage to talk to me. He would look at me, then ask one of the girls at the table how to say things in English. Right before we ごちそう'd he asked if I had a boyfriend. When I replied in the negative, he triumphantly shouted "CHANCE!".

I laughed so hard I was almost crying.
Since I'm not supposed to post pics of my students,
here's the lovely Utsumi, my BOE office co-worker.


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