Monday 8 April 2013

April Adventures Across Japan Phase 2: Train Tracks to The North

Another early morning and we made out way to Sendai station and completed our trek to Aomori via rail. It was a lot more scenic after Sendai, with the mountains making appearances and more rivers near the tracks. I think I belong up north, as it really felt like I was going home. Calming and peaceful.

I like the hustle and bustle of the city, the convince  the options... I missed having a car to hop in and go (that being said, the right train seemed to always be *bam* there for us while we were down south, the only time we had to wait was for the correct one leaving Sendai, strangely enough). I missed turning a corner and seeing trees... nay, not just trees, a freaking forest. There are wooded areas in Shichinohe within walking distance of my apartment... I pass one of them when I walk down the hill to the post office. It's awesome.

I want to always feel this way about living out here. I drive back to the office from my different schools, turn a corner and everything opens up to farmer's fields with misty mountains looming in the distance. If I ever lose this feeling of awe and peace when I'm surrounded by nature... I don't know what I will do.

Anyway, we landed in Ottomo station and hopped in my car, grabbed some groceries and got settled into my wee apartment for an evening of movies and tasty bevvies. I believe I made us some broiled chicken to put on top of salad for dinner. Simple, effective, delicious.

It was nice to be home again.

Weeeeeeeeeeee! :D

1 comment:

  1. I almost forgot about that pair on the train! Priceless!
