Monday 4 February 2013


L-R, B-F: Coach Adam, Mizuki, Simon,  Adam, Peter, Meena and Chris
It's an unwritten rule in Japan... anything you can do can be organized into a large event where you can compete against other folks (there must always be a clear winner, even if it's JHS students singing the school song, they can be judged and awarded some sort of prize). "CC, you're talking crazy", you must be thinking. I assure you, loyal reader, I am not...

Welcome to the しちのへホワイトバトル (Shichinohe White Battle) a tournament style snowball fight. There were two ALT teams this year, we were the ナンブボンバス (Nambu Bombers), a proud team of 7 ALTs from Towada, Shichinohe and beyond!

Each team has 7 members; 4 forwards, 3 defense and a coach. There are 3 barricades on each side of the small field for the teams to hide behind (one is shared in the middle), and the point, like dodge ball  is to hit folks with a snowball and get the opposing team out. Another way to win is to get to the far end of your opponent's side and get to their flag.

Da Rulz: 
The forwards can play between both back lines, but they cannot cross the back lines (They play in the middle of the court only). The backs can play from our end line to the opponents back line. Only three people at a time can cross into the enemy team's territory. As you can see in the video, the forwards generally take cover and attack while the backs generally play defense and supply the forwards with snowballs.
How to pass snowballs: 
Snowballs can be rolled across the ground
Snowballs can be directly handed to people
Snowballs can be placed near people
Snowballs CANNOT be thrown to teammates. It's an out if you do.

Out conditions:
If you are hit by a snowball (Even by your own team)
If you pass snowballs by throwing them
If you cross a line you shouldn't
If you are out: Put down any snowballs you have and stand on your own end line

1. Doing things deemed as dangerous by officials
2. Impeding the game (can't block people, tackle people, etc)
3. Arguing with the refs 
4. Bringing extra snowalls
There are some other ones too but they're pretty self explanatory (Don't be late. Don't leave the field of play during the game, etc. )

The team in each league with the most wins moves on. If # of wins are the same, the team with the most points moves on. (points are: 10 for a complete win, 1 for each out person if time runs out). If its still tied there is a tiebreaker game called Victory Throw. I haven't really looked at it because chances are it wont happen

(The rule breakdown was translated by Email and passed on to me in a Fbook group message... wouldn't wanna plagiarize...)

It was a chilly Sunday in February, the wind was gusting pretty fiercely (it was almost like standing at Portage and Main back in 'Peg City), but we accepted the challenge... and got our asses handed to us by a couple of JHS baseball teams. Haha.

Boss new gloves to commemorate the occasion
Peter, Simon and myself, ready for BLOOOOOD!
During the afternoon lunch break/intermission, there was a small foot race event, in which Chris competed in to represent our team. Enjoy.

After all the outdoor fun and games were completed for us... Adam was playing with a herd of children inside... on boy was particularly hilarious with his 300-inspired-slow-decapitation, before which he would say 'slow' so you knew your cue. XD

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