Tuesday 9 October 2012

Guts shoooooow! (Doo good?)

Monday of the long-weekend was Sports Day in Japan and Thanksgiving in Canada. So I decided to go and support a fellow JET in his MMA fighting debut. I made the drive out alone and managed to not get lost (yippie!). Made my way towards the 八戸市 公会堂 after Skyping with my family who were just finishing a Sunday evening Turkey dinner. It was super nice to see everyone who made it out to my parents for the meal.

O.o Y U No let us proof read?

As I head towards what I think is the correct building, eyes peeled for more JETs to reassure me that I was in the right place, I saw some folks smoking in a bus shack, one had dreads. I couldn't help but be amused at the image in my mind of how this would have been a little different back in the River City. All they were missing were hobo backpacks and a German Shepard (and a little sign saying asking for change so they could continue their marijuana/alcohol research).

Eventually I found some Canucks and got some turkey-day hugs. We got our tickets, met up with a few more folks and headed inside.

Turns out the folks in the shack were the opening act. Ha!

Dave's in the white shirt and black shorts.
The fights consisted of rounds of Muay Thai, Capoeira (what Dave trains in) and Judo. There were even a few boxing rounds between card matches.

Uh guys... not the best place to spoon... or... whatever you're trying to do there...
It seemed like most of the fights were just going to end in draws, as they weren't assinging points, and it was only with a TKO or tap out that a winner was declared... We sat through many many rounds that were called due to injury (Dave's nose was broken, so the Dr called it off, he says it's healing just fine). So many draws... and then... it was time for the girls to fight:

I know it loses something in the little video, but, what can you do? The 2nd set of girls to fight had one girl sitting on the other's head for pretty much the whole match... 

After the two matches of girls, the men stepped up their game and there were more clear winners and fights called off due to injury. We got the blood that we came to see. What a great way to spend Thanksgiving Monday. :D I had a mad craving for Turkey-day treats, but could bake neither Turkey nor Ham... so I went searching at the grocery store upon my return to Shichinohe...

At the end of the day... I found myself some pumpkin pie... :9
Found a 'Halloween' pie at the dessert shop. Nom nom nom!